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This Ultimate Voodoo Kit of Karma is an all in one for all of your ritual and spell work needs. 


The perfect gift or tools to have on hand readily available for when the urge to do some magick strikes. 


Covering all areas of your life, each of the nine doll colors has the recommended subjects for use stated in the Color Meaning card for easy guidance. There is also instructions about the Voodoo Doll and how to use them with the kit, both for good and bad.


The kit comes with six handmade feathered pins.


The Voodoo Dolls and the pins are lovingly designed and handmade by Purely Therapeutic.


The Voodoo Dolls are made of fabric.


Each Voodoo Doll measures approximately: 15cm x 9.5cm.

Feathered pins measure approximately: 11-13cm in entire length.


*Instructional cards are not replaceable or sold separately


**All photos, descriptions/text in listings are copyrighted to Purely Therapeutic on all websites and are NOT be used without our permission.

Ultimate Voodoo Kit of Karma

Excluding GST
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